Mind Engineer:
Dr. BT3 has an unique ability to coach, consult, counsel, and construct individuals, ministries and businesses into new thoughts, ideas and concepts.
Dr. BT3 is a pioneer in Identity Theology and uses his skill, experience and expertise to recreate solid and healthy minds and institutions.
Visit bemoreconsulting.org for more info
Dr. BT3 is highly skilled writer. He has written several provocative books that have challenged his readers to think and see God differently.
In addition to ground breaking books for discussion and consideration. Dr. BT3 has also written nearly 10 instructional manuals.
Global Influencer:
Dr. BT3 has traveled across the globe several times to minister and serve in Europe and Africa.
Dr. BT3 has partnered with a ministry in Zimbabwe and serves as a support and assistant of that ministry.
Dr. BT3 is the proud founder of Advance Ministry Institute, a fully accredited ministry school designed to empower each student to find their Fit, Function & Flow ©.
Advance Ministry Institute has ordained and affirmed elders, apostles, prophets, evangelists, pastors and teachers for over 10 years!